Cosmic octave and planetary tones
Cosmic octave
In 1978, the Swiss mathematician and musicologist Hans Cousto discovered the natural law of the Cosmic Octave as a link between various types of periodically recurring natural phenomena such as planetary orbits, weather, colors, rhythms and tones. Using the formula of the Cosmic Octave, which is actually a simple multiplication of a certain frequency (just like in the classical musical octave), he converted the astronomical intervals into audible frequencies. Through the rule of octaves, where mathematics and music work together, it is possible to combine astronomical and musical formulas. Through the rule of octaves, it is possible to convert the entire solar system into sound.
Example of planetary tone calculation:
Calculation of the frequency of the Earth's rotation around its own axis (Synodic Day of the Earth):
1 day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes = 86 400 seconds
Frequencies of the Earth's rotation around its own axis:
1/86 400 = 0.000 011 574 Hz (Hertz = number of cycles per second)
0,000 011 574 Hz x 224 = 194,18 Hz
In this way, all other frequencies of objects in the Solar System are calculated. The calculated frequencies, which are also called PLANETARY TONES, are therefore derived from their astrophysical parameters such as diameter, circumference, speed of rotation, speed of movement along the orbit, orbital period, the point of the planet's orbit closest and farthest from the sun, and so on.
Astrology, Planetary Tones and Tibetan Bowls
Anyone who has at least a little interest in astrology knows that astrology is far from being represented by a horoscope in some tabloid magazine that people read when bored.It´s rather the opposite. Observing the sky, the objects in it and looking for connections between what is happening on Earth and in human lives is as old as humanity itself. These connections observed over the centuries are certainly not a figment of human imagination, but like everything in the universe they fit together, even if many discoveries are still waiting for humanity. Through observation, people noticed the connection between individual phenomena, both on Earth and in the sky, and their connection with human characteristics, e.g. the nature of a person according to the time of birth, his state of health and the like. One of the most famous examples can be observed periodically in connection with our Moon. Its cycles have a direct effect on all living things on planet Earth. It is a well-known fact that during the full moon there is a slightly higher crime rate. The cycle of the moon also controls menstruation in women, which of course does not copy the calendar month.
However, since this site is primarily devoted to Tibetan bowls, we will not go into the details of astrology, there are many other specific websites for that. Therefore, we can assign different aspects and areas of human life to the mentioned frequencies of the cosmic octave of the bodies of the Solar System. A few examples: E.g. the planet Mercury is considered in astrology as a planet that influences communication and intellect or the planet Mars as a symbol of male willpower and ability to achieve success.
It is here that the important connection between astronomy, astrology and sound arises. This means that the frequencies of the various intervals of the heavenly bodies or PLANETARY TONES that affect human characteristics, organs, body parts, life areas and problems represent specific applicable frequencies to harmonize the very areas of life that we choose. Tibetan bowls are very powerful instruments that possess such frequencies, among other instruments. Tibetan bowls never play just one frequency, it is always a harmony of higher and lower frequencies playing at the same time. Using the healing frequencies of Tibetan bowls, either by inducing meditative states in the alpha waves or by their vibrating sound massage, you can get back to the original harmony with your own body. Using the information about chakras and the astrological aspects of sound, which you will also find on these webpages, you can create your own chakra therapy with Tibetan bowls, which you will focus on your problematic life areas. Tibetan bowls will help you get to know yourself better and progress in your spiritual development.
The frequencies of the Tibetan bowls in our e-shop are recorded with a quality condenser microphone and classified using audio software. In the description of each bowl, you will always find the frequencies in which the given bowl plays and its astrological and chakra connection, which forms another view of Tibetan bowls, which is devoted to the section: Chakras and Tibetan bowls. The most prominent frequencies the Tibetan bowl plays will always be indicated in the description of the bowl.
In the following table you will find the most common planetary tones and frequencies, the calculations of which are described above.
Planetary Tone Chart:
(click here to enlarge)

Planetary tones and frequencies
Planetary tones and their astrological meaning
Synodic day of Earth
The frequency of the Earth's rotation around its axis. Tibetan bowls in this frequency have a dynamic, vitalizing, strengthening effect and have a primary effect on our physical body. Therefore, this frequency is mainly suitable for starting the day, that is, the energy in our physical body. This frequency is also tuned to weak electromagnetic impulses in the Earth's atmosphere, which also have an impact on the weather. Being attuned to this sound brings, in many ways, being in harmony with nature and with our physical shell, as a part of nature.
related chakra: root
Sidereal day of Earth
194.71Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: root
Earth year
136.10Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: heart
Platonic Earth year
172.06Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: crown
Schumann resonance
7.83Hz (250.56Hz) (mp3 sample)
related chakra: heart
Synodic Moon
210.42Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: sacral
Sidereal Moon
227.43Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: Solar Plexus
Culmination of Moon
Lunar culmination is the period of time the moon takes from its lowest point in the sky (below the horizon) to its next lowest point. Each day the Moon rises on average about 50 minutes later than the previous day. According to astrology, lunar orbits generally have a strong connection to the subconscious and instinctual aspects of the human psyche. The frequency of the culmination of the Moon is suitable for those who want to work with their inner subconscious self and listen more carefully to their instincts.
related chakra: root + sacral
Metonic cycle of the Moon
229.22Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: Solar Plexus
Saros interval
241.56Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakras: Solar Plexus + heart
Apsidis rotation
246.04Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakras: Solar Plexus + heart
Moon knot
234.16Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: heart
The following frequencies of the planets are already heliocentric frequencies and therefore have much less significance for the frequency of life on Earth than those that belong to the movements of the Earth and the Moon.
Mercury is known as the planet of communication and sharp thinking. The open throat chakra, which Mercury represents, means the strong charisma and receptivity of the individual and his ability to speak his own truth with conviction, but also to formulate in words what others can only perceive in thoughts.
related chakra: throat
221.23Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: heart
144.72Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: Solar Plexus
183.58Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: throat
147.85Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: root
207.36Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: crown
211.44Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: Third eye
140.25Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: sacral
126.22Hz (mp3 sample)
related chakra: Solar Plexus
How do the chakras connect astrologically with the energies of the planets?
Just as holistic counselors connect the balance of body, mind, and spirit to the chakras, so can astrology be used to express balance with one's self, the Earth, and the universe. Let's think of the planets as receptors. Streams of energy flow from each chakra to the corresponding planet and from there to the surrounding star community. Not all chakra or planetary energies flow smoothly. Just as a dam holds back the flow of a river, our inner energies can also be held back. Opposing aspects between planets can indicate a corresponding energy blockage in a particular chakra. Each chakra or planet then affects how we behave in everyday life, to other people and to our surroundings.
For example, if Mercury is in opposition or square to a planet, which are astrological terms for opposites or obstacles and tensions, the ability to communicate will be colored by the energies of that planet.
Other examples:
If Mercury were in a square with the Sun, your ego would tend to interfere with the effectiveness of your communication skills. Mercury in opposition to Neptune may indicate an inability to verbalize one's imagination and thoughts. If Mercury were in opposition to Saturn, you might have problems with planning things, determining goals and priorities, and generally with self-organization. In these examples, you could see how different areas of life are influenced according to the aspects of the planets.