Chakra aspects charts
The following charts show the individual aspects of each of the seven chakras described in more detail in the "CHAKRAS AND TIBETAN BOWLS" section. In each of the charts A,B,C,D,E in addition to the basic properties, such as the assigned color and name, other aspects are also listed, such as the anatomical connection, the relevant glands with internal secretion, the main roles of the functional chakra, minerals to support the given chakra, etc. planets, elements, metals, scents and so on. In the chart Aspects of Chakras D you will find examples of how a functioning chakra manifests itself, as well as examples of when a chakra is functioning insufficiently or excessively. Every person can be found in these examples and it is always possible to work on oneself in a certain way. Also in this chart you will find affirmations that are always linked to a specific chakra and we can help ourselves with them if we have difficulties in a certain area of life.
In the chart "Chakra Frequencies" you will find tones according to the so-called Pythagorean tuning of 432Hz, which is linked to individual chakras and their respective frequencies in individual octaves. For example, the second chakra resonates in frequencies of 144Hz, 288Hz, 576Hz and so on. The frequencies of all Tibetan singing bowls in our e-shop have been carefully measured and marked accordingly, so you can easily navigate in the attached charts and find a singing bowl that will interest you not only with its sound, but also with as it corresponds to the state of your chakras.
Aspects of chakras A
Colors, location, tasks, goals

Aspects of chakras B
Perceptual sense, anatomical and emotional connection

Aspects of chakras C
Chakras meaning - planets, elements, tones, scents, minerals

Aspects of chakras D
Chakras description - affirmations, balanced chakras

Aspects of chakras E
Chakras - sounds, bija mantras, astrological frequencies

Chakra actions