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Europe shipping details

Delivery conditions for customers from Europe

europe shipping www.tibetskemisky.sk

slovak flag doprava a platba SR
doprava a platba ČR

Payment terms:

  • Payment via the CardPay - secured payment gateway of Tatrabanka Slovakia.
  • Supported payment cards: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Visa Electron, V Pay, American Express.
  • Other supported methods: Apple Pay, Google Pay 
  • google pay ​​​​apple pay
  • For information on how to pay via the CardPay payment gateway, please click on the following link: How to shop via CardPay

No C.O.D. - cash on delivery service is not available. All orders must be fully paid before shipping.

*You will always see the exact amount for the selected shipping and payment method in the shopping cart during the ordering process, before the payment.

Returns policy:

In case of returning goods (withdrawal from the purchase contract or complaint of goods) please use following address according to your home country.
Please print and fill in the withdrawal form received in e-mail with your order and add it to parcel with the goods you wish to return. For refund we will return the payment to the credit/debit card used on purchase.
If it is specified for your country, please use the delivery service stated when returning goods. If the shipment is sent by another carrier, it will not be possible to accept or process it for procedural reasons.

return addresses list

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