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  • Added: 13.04.2016   |   7 readings / views

Chakras and singing bowls


You may have heard this word before, or you may be encountering it for the first time. However, this is not news from the "East". Chakra is a word taken from Sanskrit, an Indian language, and means "circle and movement" or "wheel". The concept of chakra cannot be explained in a few sentences, but let´s try to summarize the most important aspects.

Chakras do not have a material essence, they are rotating vortices of energy that are located along the spine to the top of the head. In the human body and in the human aura, there are 142 chakras, of which the basic chakras are 7, which are located in the human body space and the remaining 2 spleen chakras, which are also located in the human body between the second and third chakras, but they are not basic. We can perceive the 7 basic chakras as some basic intersections in the human energy system, or as receivers and transmitters of cosmic energy at the same time.

Energy movement in chakras

However, the energy in the chakras does not flow in a straight line, the movement is cyclical and bidirectional. The basic paths through which this energy flows are called meridians. It is the main path of the "sushumna", a central energy channel that copies the spinal cord and energy flows through it from the root of the spine to the top of the head. The two side paths through which the energy flows, also called kundalini, are "ida" on the left side of the central channel and "pingala" on the right side. These side channels then meet in the central channel in each chakra.
As a comparison to the flow of energy through human chakras, we can use e.g. tree. The tree receives the sun's energy, which nourishes it. The energy is led down to the root system, where the tree also receives energy from the soil. The energy rises from the root (like the root chakra) up from the higher parts of the tree, where it is gradually transformed into leaves, beautiful flowers and fruits and is thus given to the world to admire. So it is similar with the flow of energy in a human body. Thus, chakras are psychic and energy centers in the human body that are constantly active, regardless of whether we are aware of them or not. Energy passes through them, which affects the human psyche. This energy has several names because it has been discovered and called in several cultures:

Chi (Chi, Qi)

Chakras as levels of consciousness

Chakras interact with the cosmic life forces and enliven various aspects of life and levels of consciousness. Working with the chakras dates back to ancient India and was practiced by yogis. However, you don't need to be a yogi or belong to a religion to work with the chakras. The chakras are an authentic model that has stood the test of centuries, and knowledge of the chakras will help any seeking pilgrim on their spiritual journey to find the important key to introspection, that is, looking within. It is possible to look at the world, yourself, and others through the consciousness of the chakras, and through what the individual chakras represent. Each of the chakras is tied to a certain area of ​​existence. Each chakra manifests itself in life, providing a different perspective on any life situation. Any block in receiving or releasing energy from the chakra manifests itself in life in a certain way. Insufficient flow of energy in a certain chakra, or its excessive activity, is also manifested in a certain way.

For a better understanding, one example:
If someone feels a lot of self-pity, it is probably an under-functioning fourth heart chakra, which is, among other things, the center of love and emotional balance.

All related aspects to each of the basic chakras are processed in several charts, which you can view in the section CHAKRA ASPECTS CHARTS 

The informations in the charts are of course only of a basic nature, but for an approximate understanding of the individual chakras and their aspects, such as location, color, associated organs, assigned endocrine glands, examples of the manifestation of insufficient or excess energy will suffice as a basis. With any limitation of the flow of energy in any of the chakras, various diseases, anxiety, emotional problems and many other difficulties can appear over time. It is important to say that as long as we are breathing, however clogged or neglected the chakras are, they still work. Our challenge is for them to be in the best possible condition, thereby achieving better physical and emotional health, vitality, balance, higher awareness and better contact with the Divine essence within ourselves. The correct functioning of the chakras affects all aspects of our being and experiencing it. Knowing the chakras will help us break the slavery to which we are condemned by the customary cultural and social attitudes to which we have unconsciously adapted.

Let's briefly introduce the individual chakras:

Root Chakra – Muladhara - Survival

The 1st chakra lies at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals. The root chakra represents survival, basic being and the deepest connection of your body with the earth. Each of us has an animal nature within us, which is reflected in this chakra. Food, clothing, shelter and safety are basic human requirements related to survival. This chakra also includes the need to preserve the species. An individual with a balanced root chakra feels safe and comfortable in the material world. The color of this chakra is red and the tone is C. Other aspects associated with this chakra, as well as examples of its unbalanced functioning, can be found in the prepared charts in the CHAKRA ASPECTS CHARTS

Tibetan singing  bowls resonating with the root chakra can be found in this category Tibetan bowls - Root chakra
Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana – Finding Joy
The 2nd chakra lies about 5-6 cm below the navel. This chakra is the center of sexual energy, procreation and regeneration, and the very drive behind this chakra is the pursuit of joy. The second chakra awakens the emotional life. It is the chakra of creativity and creative power, but also of human addictions such as drugs, and anger or jealousy, as a manifestation of the imbalance of this chakra. The law of attraction, or wanting things and attracting them into your life, is also related to this chakra. The color of this chakra is orange (amber) and the tone is D. Other aspects associated with this chakra, as well as examples of its unbalanced functioning, can be found in the prepared charts in the CHAKRA ASPECTS CHARTS section.

Tibetan bowls resonating with the sacral chakra can be found in this category Tibetan bowls - sacral chakra

Navel chakra (Solar Plexus) - Manipura - Strength and power

The 3rd chakra is located in the area of ​​the solar belt, solar plexus, in the lower part of the sternum. It is the center of individuality and personal strength and will of a person. This chakra affects self-control, self-mastery, self-determination and self-application in life, the ability to take action and define one's boundaries in the world. An individual with a healthy chakra is freed from the need to adapt his personal integrity to the desire to fit in or belong, and is resistant to manipulation by others as well as manipulation by his own ego. Manipura regulates the emotion of fear, which, if present, indicates a blocked third chakra. The color of this chakra is yellow and the corresponding tone is E. Other aspects associated with this chakra, as well as examples of its unbalanced functioning, can be found in the prepared charts in the CHAKRA ASPECTS CHARTS section.

Tibetan bowls resonating with the solar plexus chakra can be found in this category Tibetan bowls - solar plexus chakra

Heart Chakra - Anahata - Searching for love

The 4th chakra is located in the middle of the ribcage, in the place of the eighth cervical vertebra. In the human energy system, the 4th chakra is considered the center of love and compassion. This chakra detaches consciousness from its own existence, to relationships with other people and nature. It is the gateway from the lower consciousness represented by the lower 3 chakras to the higher consciousness represented by the higher 3 chakras. It combines the cosmic and the earthly, the spiritual and the physical. In the fourth chakra is enshrined the right of the individual to his own spiritual path to the essential Self, regardless of traditions or religious and cultural customs. The emotion that is regulated by the heart chakra is pain. A symptom of a blocked chakra is therefore a feeling of pain or even hopelessness or despair. The color of this chakra is green and the corresponding tone is F. Other aspects associated with this chakra, as well as examples of its unbalanced functioning, can be found in the prepared charts in the CHAKRA ASPECTS CHARTS section.

Tibetan bowls resonating with the heart chakra can be found in this category Tibetan bowls - heart chakra

Throat Chakra – Vishuddha – Voice of creativity

The 5th chakra is located in the neck area, more precisely at the level of the 3rd cervical vertebra behind the center of the throat. The name Vishuddha means "immaculate" in Sanskrit. The 5th chakra regulates self-expression, verbal expression and expression of feelings, opinions and creativity. If this chakra is properly developed, the individual will be characterized by the gift of speech, persuasiveness, but also creative activities of various kinds, but in a different, higher sense than was the case with the sacral chakra. People with an open throat chakra cannot be controlled because they have already found their truthfulness and the voice that speaks to them from within. The 5th chakra gives us the ability to express what we really feel. The emotion regulated by this chakra is joy. The color of the fifth chakra is sky-blue and the corresponding tone is G. Other aspects associated with this chakra, as well as examples of its unbalanced functioning, can be found in the prepared charts in the CHAKRA ASPECTS CHARTS section.

Tibetan bowls resonating with the throat chakra can be found in this category Tibetan bowls - throat chakra

Chakra of the Third eye - Ajna - Desire for transcendence

The 6th chakra lies behind the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows and is shifted to the center of the head. It is known as the third eye or the eye of wisdom. The 6th chakra is really the human sixth sense. Ajna is therefore the center of higher intelligence and clairvoyance and imagination. An "open" third eye captures minute signals and subtle forces that appear in our surroundings at every moment and transforms them into intuition, inspirations and sudden insights into problems. An open 6th chakra means discovering within yourself an unbiased observer from the infinite realm beyond our ordinary reality, who is aware of your current activity, but is not a part of it. The sixth throat chakra also has a significant impact on memory. The color of the sixth chakra is indigo and the corresponding tone is A. Other aspects associated with this chakra, as well as examples of its unbalanced functioning, can be found in the prepared charts in the CHAKRA ASPECTS CHARTS section.

Tibetan bowls resonating with the third eye chakra can be found in this category Tibetan bowls - third eye chakra

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara – Cosmic Consciousness

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. In Sanskrit, Sahasrara means lotus with a thousand petals. The main drive of this chakra is to experience the Divine presence. The energy that was lent to life returns through the crown chakra to complete the evolution and unite your personal energy and experience with the collective. The opening of the 7th chakra is not permanent, it is more like flashes of a higher level of reality. Meditation, prayer, and other spiritual practices that lead along the path of awareness increase the likelihood of such flashes. After the awakening of the 7th chakra, one realizes that cosmic divine consciousness is a natural human quality and transcends the material limits of the human body. The color of this chakra is purple and the corresponding tone is B. Other aspects associated with this chakra, as well as examples of its unbalanced functioning, can be found in the prepared charts in the CHAKRA ASPECTS CHARTS section.

Tibetan bowls resonating with the crown chakra can be found in this category Tibetan bowls - crown chakra

There are many ways to work with your chakras. To strengthen the chakras, you can practice yoga, meditate, do various spiritual and physical exercises. You can serve God, help your neighbors... There are many ways to improve yourself spiritually. We live in a time when information that was kept secret for centuries or accessible only to a select few is at our fingertips at any time, and if we know what to look for, it will take us a relatively short time. Books about spirituality, personal improvement and the spiritual sphere in general exist in abundance and it is up to you which path you take.

Tibetan bowls as tools to restore frequencies

However, since this page is devoted to Tibetan singing bowls, let us also focus on Tibetan bowls, as a musical or rather spiritual instrument, which with its otherworldly vibrations can guide us on the path of searching for spiritual truth and self-improvement. As we know, the human body is largely made up of water. We also know that vibrations spread much better and further in water than in air. The vibrations of the Tibetan singing bowls play aliquot notes, which means that they play several notes at once and their vibrations penetrate the human body. However, usually one of the tones is dominant. This means that each singing bowl plays with certain dominant frequencies or frequencies. By measuring the frequency of singing bowls, we can relatively easily find out what frequency the given bowl plays and thus also which chakra the particular bowl is connected to.
We can then use the singing bowl as a therapeutic tool to balance the energy in the given chakra. Just as musical instruments play their notes, so the chakras and human organs resonate with their frequencies. The vibrations of the Tibetan singing bowls can thus connect to the frequency of the chakras or organs whose frequency is disturbed in some way. Singing bowls can therefore restore this harmonic frequency from the outside and help the body regain its natural sense of harmony. By receiving such vibrations more often, the body acquires the ability to resonate correctly even without the use of any tools.

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